MokeWerx is owned and managed by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and is intended to provide enjoyment and education for other Moke owners and tries to offer Moke related items to interested people. Started in 2005 as a fairly basic site trying to share educational technical articles the site is on its fourth incarnation still with the aim of providing useful advice and services to Moke owners.

The site got the name MokeWerx as I envisaged Moke website with the lot, the works, around 2006 and to make a distinction between this endeavor and my involvement in the Moke Owners Association website at the time.

The Moke Forum started a few months after my original site and enjoyed a steady rise to be arguably the most active Moke specific forum on the Internet in its day with an average of around 50 post a day at its peak. The Moke Forum became very time consuming and people issues saw the The Moke Forum become The Australian Moke Forum and is owned by another interest of mine, Mokes Inc. The impact of social media networks has seen other alternatives become available for people so the the number of active posts is nothing like in its hey day but there is still a core group of great bunch of people regularly online there to help out other Moke owners with their problems and projects.

The Australian Moke Register is an area of MokeWerx where we are trying to track the history and details of as many Australian Mokes as we can where ever they may. At the time of writing this the AMR is in limbo while it awaits a full rewrite but the basic information is there to help people identify their Moke and any missing details they might not have such as build date for registration.

International Moke Day is another initiative I started from that encourages people to meet up with other Moke owners from their area and enjoy a day out and it currently occurs in 5-6 countries each year. MokeFest 2009 was another event organised originally from and it saw 100 Mokes from all around Australia spend the week or weekend in Wagga Wagga, NSW in 2009. This was followed up in 2013 with MokeFest in Perth and a trip across there from the eastern states.

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. is a respected member of the Australian Moke Forum and he asked if he could write some articles for Mokewerx and many of the technical articles you find on the site are of his effort along with The Dog Shop where Grant has sourced some difficult to get items not normally stocked by the usual suppliers and makes them available to other owners for their restorations.


